Cheat Sheet#

This sheet created by me for placing things at a single place. Also, this is the link to my home page at git site skumar_site.

Sheet for Git and rst documentation#

rst commands#


=========== , ————, ~~~~~~~, ********, ^^^^^^^^^

Inline markup#

text, text, text

Bulleted list#

– this is a bullet 1.

  • this is a bullet 2, too.

Numbered list#

  1. number list 1

  1. number list 1, too.

Nested list#

It is also possible: just combine bullet list and indent the number list.


this is a example of adding a note is the rst file


These notes are kept here for the convenience, may be shifted to other page later on!! Similary instead of note, one may use also Tip, Exercise, Important, Warning, Danger, and so on.


These are notes are temporary and will be moves to other place in a short time.

Git commands#

These command are taken from fogelman git-site.

Clone a repository (GitHub)

` git clone `

Checkout a branch into your working tree

` git checkout branchname `

Dealing with the Working Tree#

Delete untracked files in your working tree

` git clean -f      # Remove untracked files `

` git clean -f -d   # Also directories `

` git clean -f -x   # Also ignored files `

` git clean -f -X   # Just ignored files `

Restore to the HEAD of your current branch

This is a good way to abort a merge in progress

` git reset --hard HEAD `

Restore a file from an old revision

` git checkout [commit_id] -- path/to/oldfile `


Delete a local branch

` git branch -d branchname `

Push a new branch for the first time

` git push -u origin branchname `


Create an annotated tag

Annotated tags are more rich than regular tags, and include date/author information.

` git tag -a [tagname] -m "Tag Message..." `

Checkout a tag

` git checkout [tagname] `

The History, and Logs#

View the commit history, showing the status of files that changed

` git log --stat `

Indices and tables#