esta.gaussianBag package#


esta.gaussianBag.input_gaussian module#

class esta.gaussianBag.input_gaussian.GenerateCom(xyzfile, charge, multiplicity, cal_type)#

Bases: object

python class to generate input files (*.com file) for gaussian calculations


work in progress: more componets are being added!!

author: skumar

np = <module 'numpy' from '/home/sonu/anaconda3/envs/py3a/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/'>#

filename (str) – xyz file name


  • atomic positions (array) – rank 2 array of shape (natoms, 3)

  • atomic labels (list/array of strings) – rank 1 array of atomic labels

  • strings (string) – string mentioning the units of coordinates

write_com(func_basis=None, dispersion=None, solvent=None, chk_file_prefix=None, **kwargs)#
  • func_bais (string data) – information for the functional and basis

  • solvent (string (optional)) – solvent for the reaction

  • chk_filename (string) – name of the chk file where data for subsequent calculations can be used for.

  • parameters (there are other (optional) kwargs containing gaussian related) –


input – as other parameters

Return type

com gaussian file containing info of atomic structure as well


%chk=opt.chk %nproc=26 %mem=5000MW #p B3LYP/Def2SVP EmpiricalDispersion=GD3 opt=(maxcycles=60)

opt cation

1 1 O -0.407106382 1.443503609 0.802672557 .. so on

write_com_2xyz(xyz2file, interface=None, **kwargs)#

xyz files of products read from command line arguments ….mainly used for creating DS-AFIR input file …

atomic postions atomic labels no of atoms _________________ –> all of these variable read form 1xyz file

calling self.read_xyz()

str: xyz file name —2nd xyz filename correspinding to product of rxn

com file containing info of atomic structure info of two atomic systems

write_inp(xyzfile, charge, multiplicity, ncores=None, memory=None, interface=None)#

generate input file for ORCA like below:

  • prefix (string) – name of inp file with .inp extension

  • charge (sclar) – chare on ths system

  • multiplicity (integer) – spin multiplicity (2S+1); for a single electron: S =1/2


file – inp file for orca containg charge and multiplicity options

Return type



! XTB2 NoUseSym @job

  • xyz 0 1

@geometry *


get input file for the oniom-msm method by suzuki etal. (ICReDD) for:

  • saddle calculations (see general folder for the implementation)

  • EQ/TS sampling calculations (this may not be possible as I tried setting up the calculation, but failed!!)

  • ReStruct calculation ..

esta.gaussianBag.input_gaussian_TODO module#


get atomic positiions and atomic labels from gaussian com file


list of strings

list of stings and floats; is it not intersting ..ha ha!

example: o_list = [‘sdata’, ‘218’, ‘167’, ‘-0.0001’] t_list = [get_list_of_string_and_float(v) for v in o_list] print(t_list)

esta.gaussianBag.input_grrm module#

class esta.gaussianBag.input_grrm.GenerateCom(xyzfile, charge, multiplicity, cal_type)#

Bases: object


other options in GRRM code for calculation types e.g:

Options sublink=/home/kumarsonu/bin/ Add Interaction Fragm.1=56,57,58,1 Fragm.2=59-62 1 2 Gamma=200.0 END NOFC KeepIntFiles DownDC=12

np = <module 'numpy' from '/home/sonu/anaconda3/envs/py3a/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/'>#

filename, str, filename xyz file name

atomic positions: array: rank 2 array of shape (natoms, 3) atomic labels: list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels no of atoms: scalar


filename, str, filename xyz file name

atomic positions: array: rank 2 array of shape (natoms, 3) atomic labels: list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels no of atoms: scalar


atomic postions atomic labels no of atoms

com file containing info of atomic structure

write_com_2xyz(xyz2file, **kwargs)#

atomic postions atomic labels no of atoms _________________ –> all of these variable read form 1xyz file

calling self.read_xyz()

str: xyz file name —2nd xyz filename correspinding to product of rxn

com file containing info of atomic structure info of two atomic systems

esta.gaussianBag.input_grrm_advv module#

class esta.gaussianBag.input_grrm_advv.GenerateCom(xyzfile, charge, multiplicity, cal_type)#

Bases: object

python class to generate input files (*.com file) for different type of calculations for GRRM using:

  • non-supported

  • orca

  • gaussian


Different types of calculation are carried out by the

GRRM software given below:

calculaiton type …. status of Implementation

    • Normal mode analysis (FREQ)

    • Minimum point optimization (MIN) ……DONE

    • Saddle-point optimization (SADDLE)

    • IRC following (IRC)

    • LUP path optimization (LUP) …. ongoing

    – to do

    Crossing point (MECI or MESX) optimization …. will not be done Crossing point (MECI or MESX) estimation …. will not be done External atoms (microiterations) Frozen atoms …. DONE

  1. MIN-AFIR calculations … DONE AFIR calculations … DONE DS-AFIR calculations … DONE

    Refinement calculations ….. TODO

author: skumar email:


options in GRRM code for calculation types


Options sublink=/home/kumarsonu/bin/ Add Interaction Fragm.1=56,57,58,1 Fragm.2=59-62 1 2 Gamma=200.0 END NOFC KeepIntFiles DownDC=12


filename (str) – xyz file name


  • atomic positions (array) – rank 2 array of shape (natoms, 3)

  • atomic labels (list/array of strings) – rank 1 array of atomic labels

  • strings (string) – string mentioning the units of coordinates

  • filename

  • str

  • name (filename xyz file) –


  • atomic positions (array: rank 2 array of shape (natoms, 3))

  • atomic labels (list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels)

  • no of atoms (scalar)

write_com(interface=None, basis=None, solvent=None, log_filename=None, **kwargs)#

atomic postions atomic labels no of atoms kwargs containing GRRM related parameters

input com GRRM file containing info of atomic structure as well as other GRRM parameteres

write_com_2xyz(xyz2file, interface=None, **kwargs)#

xyz files of products read from command line arguments ….mainly used for creating DS-AFIR input file …

atomic postions atomic labels no of atoms _________________ –> all of these variable read form 1xyz file

calling self.read_xyz()

str: xyz file name —2nd xyz filename correspinding to product of rxn

com file containing info of atomic structure info of two atomic systems

write_inp(xyzfile, charge, multiplicity, ncores=None, memory=None, interface=None)#

generate input file for ORCA like below:

  • prefix (string) – name of inp file with .inp extension

  • charge (sclar) – chare on ths system

  • multiplicity (integer) – spin multiplicity (2S+1); for a single electron: S =1/2


file – inp file for orca containg charge and multiplicity options

Return type



! XTB2 NoUseSym @job

  • xyz 0 1

@geometry *


get input file for the oniom-msm method by suzuki etal. (ICReDD) for:

  • saddle calculations (see general folder for the implementation)

  • EQ/TS sampling calculations (this may not be possible as I tried setting up the calculation, but failed!!)

  • ReStruct calculation ..

esta.gaussianBag.output_gaussian_adv module#

gauss class to handle for the gaussian16 log file

class esta.gaussianBag.output_gaussian_adv.gauss(filename)#

Bases: object

gauss class for the gaussian16 output file


get all xyzs from log file of gaussian calculations.


get all xyz file by reading the atomic positions and atomic numbers:


outfile: write data in xyz file specified by name outfile


get all xyz file by reading the atomic positions and atomic labels:


outfile: write data in a single xyz file specified by name outfile; here outfile = prefix+”_”+’all_’+’.xyz’


get atomic positions from the log file of gaussian


all the atomic positions are stored in pos_all array


extract energies from the gaussian log file


get the energies from the gaussian log/output file

Zero-point correction= 0.018555 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.018650 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.018681 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.017917 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -2538.604330 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -2538.604235 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -2538.604203 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -2538.604968

SCF Done: E(UB3P86) = -2538.62288479 A.U.

and so on ..


find the forces on all atoms along with max force, and min of all forces on atoms


self.filename – str name of the gaussian log file

get homo, lumo, and band gaps in hartree (default) from log file of the gaussian, check whether

spin polairsed system or not?


get natoms if “NAtoms” string is not present in the gaussian log file


get a single xyz file from atomic positions and atomic labels input.


outfile: write data in xyz file specified by name outfile

esta.gaussianBag.output_gaussian_adv0 module#

gauss class to handle for the gaussian16 output file

class esta.gaussianBag.output_gaussian_adv0.gauss(filename)#

Bases: object

gauss class for the gaussian16 output file


get all xyz from log file/output file of gaussian


get all xyz file by reading the atomic positions and atomic numbers:


write data in xyz file specified by name outfile

Return type



get all xyz file by reading the atomic positions and atomic labels:


write data in a single xyz file specified by name outfile

here outfile = prefix+”_”+’all_’+’.xyz’

Return type



get xyz from log file/output file of gaussian

Note: all the atomic positions are stored in pos_all array; you can use it as well


get the energies from the gaussian log/output file

For example:

Zero-point correction= 0.018555 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.018650 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.018681 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.017917 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -2538.604330 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -2538.604235 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -2538.604203 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -2538.604968

SCF Done: E(UB3P86) = -2538.62288479 A.U.

and so on ..


find the forces on all atoms max and min of all forces on atoms


self.filename – str name of the gaussian log file


get natoms if “NAtoms” string is not present in the gaussian log file


get xyz file by reading the atomic positions and atomic numbers:


write data in xyz file specified by name outfile

Return type


Module contents#