esta.qeBag package#


esta.qeBag.23 module#

esta.qeBag.bands_kpts_band_gap module#


finding: -nbands, band-energies -nkpts, kpt-coordinate -band gap for spin up channel -band gap for spin down channel -band gap between valence band(of spin up/down) and cond. band (spin up/down) for unpolarised/polarised qe scf.out file

NOTE: use verbosity = ‘high’ to print the band energies


name of scf.out file with verbosity high to be used in qe pw.x calculation

output: see above

internal variables:

lspin lfermi nelec nband efermi energies occupations

print(‘no of bands: {}, no of kpts: {}, Fermi level: {}’.format(nband, nkpt, efermi)) print(‘no of elctrons: {}’.format(nelec))

energies = np.zeros((nkpt, nband, 2)) # 2 for spin polarised calc occupations = np.zeros_like(energies)

coord_kpts =[]

if lspin:

return energies, coord_kpts, band_gap_up, band_gap_down, band_gap, lspin, occupations


return energies, coord_kpts, band_gap_up, None, None, lspin, occupations


MORE to do for fermi energy:

see qexml.f90 in Modules of qe6.2 version: lines: 4152,42 89%

IF ( two_fermi_energies_ ) THEN ! skfermi energies up down or up/down e eneties.. so on

! CALL iotk_scan_dat( iunit, “FERMI_ENERGY_UP”, ef_up_, IERR=ierr ) IF (ierr/=0) RETURN CALL iotk_scan_dat( iunit, “FERMI_ENERGY_DOWN”, ef_dw_, IERR=ierr ) IF (ierr/=0) RETURN CALL iotk_scan_dat( iunit, “ELECTRONS_UP”, nel_up_, IERR=ierr ) IF (ierr/=0) RETURN CALL iotk_scan_dat( iunit, “ELECTRONS_DOWN”, nel_down_, IERR=ierr ) IF (ierr/=0) RETURN !


! CALL iotk_scan_dat ( iunit, “FERMI_ENERGY”, ef_ , FOUND=found ) IF (ierr/=0) RETURN


esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput module#

generate qe input file using poscar and other input parameters


string, poscar filename string, pseudo-type info; e.g:

ps_info =’.pbe-kjpaw’ or .pbe-rrkjus_ for uspp

string (optional), cell vectors in angstrom or bohr; default is angstrom

set it to bohr for veiwing the qe input file in xcrysden (version:1.5.53)


qe input file


  1. Right now only for PBE functional .. can be used for other functionals

  2. NEEDED pseudo-potential directory; default is in ~ with location = ‘/home/sonu/pslibrary.1.0.0/pbe/PSEUDOPOTENTIALS/’

date: Jan, March 2020

Jan, 2021

author: sk,

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput.delete_pseudo_pot(pseudo_list, lremove_pseudo, location)#

remove the *UPF files in the current directory if not required

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput.get_N1_N2_N3_in_MP_grid(posfile=None, location=None, l_metal_insulator=None)#

For auto-matic k-grid(taken from vasp manual):

N 1 = max(1, l ∗ | b 1 | + 0.5) N 2 = max(1, l ∗ | b 2 | + 0.5) N 3 = max(1, l ∗ | b 3 | + 0.5). Symmetry is used to map equivalent k-points to each other, which can reduce the total number of k-points significantly. Usefulvalues for the length (l) vary between 10 (large gap insulators) and 100 (d-metals).


If length of lv1, lv2, lv3 > 2; then taken N1/N2/N3 = 1, acoordingly

NOTE: need testing of this method/functions????????


read input parameters provided by the user for different calculation types, such as scf, relax or vc-relax

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput.get_parameters_pseudo(loc, ps_info, atmsymbol, lcopy_pseudo=True)#

find - the min kinetic energy cutoff - the min charge density cutoff by the reading the PP header files


string: loc: location of PP files string: ps_info: PP information list: atmsymbols: atomic labels boolen: lcopy_pseudo: whether to copy PP to current dir from PP database


scalar: min kinetic enrgy cutoff scalar: min charge density cutoff

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput.get_qe_input(posfile, ps_info, lprint_cell='angstrom', lremove_pseudo=False, cal_type=None, lspin=None)#

generate qe input file using poscar and other input parameters


return the max element from scalar elements of a list


return the minimum element from scalar elements of a list

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput2 module#

generate qe input file using poscar and other input parameters


string, poscar filename string, pseudo-type info; e.g:

ps_info =’.pbe-kjpaw’ or .pbe-rrkjus_ for uspp

string (optional), cell vectors in angstrom or bohr; default is angstrom

set it to bohr for veiwing the qe input file in xcrysden (version:1.5.53)


qe input file


  1. Right now only for PBE functional .. can be used for other functionals

  2. NEEDED pseudo-potential directory; default is in ~ with location = ‘/home/sonu/pslibrary.1.0.0/pbe/PSEUDOPOTENTIALS/’

  3. also copy the pseudo pots mentioned in the created input file to

    its location .. done

date: Jan, March 2020 author: sk,

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput2.delete_pseudo_pot(pseudo_list, lremove_pseudo, location)#

remove the *UPF files in the current directory if not required


For auto-matic k-grid(taken from vasp manual):

N 1 = max(1, l ∗ | b 1 | + 0.5) N 2 = max(1, l ∗ | b 2 | + 0.5) N 3 = max(1, l ∗ | b 3 | + 0.5). Symmetry is used to map equivalent k-points to each other, which can reduce the total number of k-points significantly. Usefulvalues for the length (l) vary between 10 (large gap insulators) and 100 (d-metals).


If length of lv1, lv2, lv3 > 2; then taken N1/N2/N3 = 1, acoordingly

NOTE: need testing of this method/functions????????

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput2.get_cutoff_wfc_rho(loc, ps_info, atmsymbol, lcopy_pseudo=True)#

find - the min kinetic energy cutoff - the min charge density cutoff by the reading the PP header files


string: loc: location of PP files string: ps_info: PP information list: atmsymbols: atomic labels boolen: lcopy_pseudo: whether to copy PP to current dir from PP database


scalar: min kinetic enrgy cutoff scalar: min charge density cutoff

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput2.get_qe_input(posfile, ps_info, lprint_cell='angstrom', lremove_pseudo=False)#

generate qe input file using poscar and other input parameters


return the max element from scalar elements of a list


return the minimum element from scalar elements of a list

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput_adv module#

generate qe input file using poscar and other input parameters


string, poscar filename string, pseudo-type info; e.g:

ps_info =’.pbe-kjpaw’ or .pbe-rrkjus_ for uspp

string (optional), cell vectors in angstrom or bohr; default is angstrom

set it to bohr for veiwing the qe input file in xcrysden (version:1.5.53)


qe input file


  1. Right now only for PBE functional .. can be used for other functionals

  2. NEEDED pseudo-potential directory; default is in ~ with

    location = ‘/home/sonu/pslibrary.1.0.0/pbe/PSEUDOPOTENTIALS/’

author: sk,

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput_adv.delete_pseudo_pot(pseudo_list, lremove_pseudo, location)#

remove the *UPF files in the current directory if not required

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput_adv.get_N1_N2_N3_in_MP_grid(posfile=None, location=None, l_metal_insulator=None)#

For auto-matic k-grid(taken from vasp manual):

N 1 = max(1, l ∗ | b 1 | + 0.5) N 2 = max(1, l ∗ | b 2 | + 0.5) N 3 = max(1, l ∗ | b 3 | + 0.5). Symmetry is used to map equivalent k-points to each other, which can reduce the total number of k-points significantly. Usefulvalues for the length (l) vary between 10 (large gap insulators) and 100 (d-metals).


If length of lv1, lv2, lv3 > 2; then taken N1/N2/N3 = 1, acoordingly

NOTE: need testing of this method/functions????????


read input parameters provided by the user for different calculation types, such as scf, relax or vc-relax

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput_adv.get_parameters_pseudo(loc, ps_info, atmsymbol, lcopy_pseudo=True)#

find - the min kinetic energy cutoff - the min charge density cutoff by the reading the PP header files


string: loc: location of PP files string: ps_info: PP information –> changed to functional_name list: atmsymbols: atomic labels boolen: lcopy_pseudo: whether to copy PP to current dir from PP database


scalar: min kinetic enrgy cutoff scalar: min charge density cutoff

esta.qeBag.gen_qeinput_adv.get_qe_input(posfile, ps_info, lprint_cell='angstrom', lremove_pseudo=False, cal_type=None, lspin=None)#

generate qe input file using poscar and other input parameters


return the max element from scalar elements of a list


return the minimum element from scalar elements of a list

esta.qeBag.get_bands_kpts_band_gap_adv3 module#

esta.qeBag.get_bands_kpts_band_gap_adv3.energies_kpts(filename, epsilon=None)#

finding: -nbands, band-energies -nkpts, kpt-coordinate -band gap for spin up channel -band gap for spin down channel -band gap between valence band(of spin up/down) and cond. band (spin up/down) for unpolarised/polarised qe scf.out file

NOTE: use verbosity = ‘high’ to print the band energies

filename: string

name of scf.out file with verbosity high to be used in qe pw.x calculation

epsilontolerance for occupation of energy levels from 1 and 0

default is 0.05 (=> level with occupation 0.95 is assumed to be fully occupied i.e. occupation is 1; similary level with occupation 0.05 is assumed to be completely empty i.e. occupation is 0.)

bandgap: scalar for a given spin/s channels band energies kpts

better see the output:

if lspin:

return energies, coord_kpts, band_gap_up, band_gap_down, band_gap, lspin, occupations


return energies, coord_kpts, band_gap_up, None, None, lspin, occupations

esta.qeBag.get_output_qe module#

esta.qeBag.get_output_qe.get_fermi(infile, lspin=False)#

find Forces acting on atoms (cartesian axes, Ry/au): and print forces in eV/Ang

force values… … … … … …


read output file of qe code and find: - no of atoms - forces on each atom; average force on each atom - pressure - total energy (last one in the file) - Fermi energy (last one)

Author: sk,

esta.qeBag.get_xyz_from_qe_rlxout module#

esta.qeBag.get_xyz_from_qe_rlxout.get_xyz(filename, optimized=None)#

read qe output file to extract xyz file/files

esta.qeBag.get_xyz_from_qe_rlxout.get_xyz_all(filename, comment=None)#

read qe output file to extract set of atomic positions into xyz files

filename: string, name of the qe output relaxation file or vc-relaxation file

symbol: list of strings consisting of atomic labels position: array of all atomic positions with shape (number_of_rlx_cycles, natoms, 3)

esta.qeBag.neb_qe module#

class esta.qeBag.neb_qe.neb#

Bases: object

python class

1) –to generate supercard along with its contents such as

BEGIN_POSITIONS … content of the supercard here … END_POSITIONS

for details see documentation of neb.x manual link:

2) – to store data (atom no, no of images, atomic symbols,

atomic positions) from *axsf data

– to generate xyz files from *axsf file from xcrysden

3) – to read pathx files; where x = 0, 1, 2, ….

and then create xyz files …….

4) – read xsf file and store data (atomic number, symbols, atomic positions) from xsf file – create poscar file from xsf file.

more will be added according to the needs …TODO

author: skumar email:


get same string elements of list grouped together


get number of list entries of each type


list of integers for each type of atoms specifying their number


return list of atomic symbols from list of atomic numbers


get unique elements of list


string for each type of atoms

np = <module 'numpy' from '/home/sonu/anaconda3/envs/py3a/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/'>#

str: *axsf file name

rank 3 array: atomic positions: array: rank 3 array of shape (nimages, natoms, 3) list of strings: atomic labels: list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels scalar: no of images/number of structures rank 2 array: cell vectors rank 3 array: forces on atoms of shape (nimage, natoms, 3)

read_path(path_file, qe_input)#

str: *path file name str: qe neb input file (containing Atomic symbols); atomic symbols are not

present in *path file

rank 3 array: atomic positions: array: rank 3 array of shape (nimages, natoms, 3) list of strings: atomic labels: list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels scalar: no of images/number of structures rank 3 array: forces on atoms of shape (nimage, natoms, 3) scalar: energy

return (self.pos_path, self.label_qe_neb,

self.no_strs_path, self.force_path, self.energy_path)


str: *xsf file name

rank 2 array: atomic positions: array: rank 3 array of shape (natoms, 3) list of strings: atomic labels: list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels rank 2 array: cell vectors rank 2 array: forces on atoms of shape (natoms, 3)


filenames: list of str, filename xyz file names

atomic positions: array: rank 2 array of shape (natoms, 3) atomic labels: list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels

to_poscar(latvec, pos, label, filename='POSCAR', extension='xsf')#

str: filename for the output poscar file; default POSCAR str: extension ; redundant variable; default is xsf file rank 2 array: lattice vectors: latvec rank 2 array: atomic positions: pos list of string : atomic labels: label

or better pass an atom object to this method/function


to_xyz_file(pos, label, filename=None, extension='xsf')#

str: filename str: filename extension (e.g. xsf )

atomic positions atomic labels

or better pass an atom object to this method/function

xyz file

to_xyz_files(filename, extension, qe_neb_input=None)#

str: filename str: filename extension (e.g. axsf or path file from NEB calc of qe)

#atomic positions #atomic labels #no of atoms #no of images

or better pass an atom object to this method/function

xyz files in for NEB calculations

to_xyz_plus_delta_files(pos, label, no_strs, filename, extension, qe_neb_input=None)#

rank2 array: atomic positions list: atomic labels scalar: no of images

str: filename str: filename extension (e.g. axsf or path file from NEB calc of qe)

or better pass an atom object to this method/function

xyz files with displaced atoms according to vibration pattern or some other displacement vectors for each atomic position

write_position_card(xyzfiles, atom_fix_index=None)#

xyzfiles: list of strings containg names of the xyz files atom_fix_index: list of atom numbers starting from 1 to be fixed in

supercard containing atomic positions for all xzy strs for NEB calculations

NOTE: output of this method: …




esta.qeBag.neb_qe1 module#

class esta.qeBag.neb_qe1.neb#

Bases: object

python class

1) –to generate supercard along with its contents such as

BEGIN_POSITIONS … content of the supercard here … END_POSITIONS

for details see documentation of neb.x manual link:

2) – to store data (atom no, no of images, atomic symbols,

atomic positions) from *axsf data

– to generate xyz files from *axsf file from xcrysden

3) – to read pathx files; where x = 0, 1, 2, ….

and then create xyz files …….todo

more will be added according to the needs …TODO

author: skumar email: date: July, 2020 Place: QCL, ICReDD, Japan

np = <module 'numpy' from '/home/sonu/anaconda3/envs/py3a/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/'>#

str: *axsf file name

rank 3 array: atomic positions: array: rank 3 array of shape (nimages, natoms, 3) list of strings: atomic labels: list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels scalar: no of images/number of structures rank 2 array: cell vectors rank 3 array: forces on atoms of shape (nimage, natoms, 3)

read_path(path_file, qe_input)#

str: *path file name str: qe neb input file (containing Atomic symbols); atomic symbols are not

present in *path file

rank 3 array: atomic positions: array: rank 3 array of shape (nimages, natoms, 3) list of strings: atomic labels: list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels scalar: no of images/number of structures rank 3 array: forces on atoms of shape (nimage, natoms, 3) scalar: energy

return (self.pos_path, self.label_qe_neb,

self.no_strs_path, self.force_path, self.energy_path)


filenames: list of str, filename xyz file names

atomic positions: array: rank 2 array of shape (natoms, 3) atomic labels: list/array of strings: rank 1 array of atomic labels

to_xyz_files(filename, extension, qe_neb_input=None)#

str: filename str: filename extension (e.g. axsf or path file from NEB calc of qe)

#atomic positions #atomic labels #no of atoms #no of images

or better pass an atom object to this method/function

xyz files in for NEB calculations

to_xyz_plus_delta_files(pos, label, no_strs, filename, extension, qe_neb_input=None)#

rank2 array: atomic positions list: atomic labels scalar: no of images

str: filename str: filename extension (e.g. axsf or path file from NEB calc of qe)

or better pass an atom object to this method/function

xyz files with displaced atoms according to vibration pattern or some other displacement vectors for each atomic position


list of strings containg xyz files names atomic postions atomic labels

supercard containing atomic positions for all xzy strs for NEB calculations





esta.qeBag.parse_pseudo module#


read data of UPF file in xml section

filename: name of the pseudo potential UPF file

pseudo potential information of an element or set of elements in a chemical system

esta.qeBag.pspot_core_states module#


change atomic orbital id name to id number


string: e.g. S, P, D, and F


scalar: e.g 0, 1, 2, and 3

esta.qeBag.pspot_core_states.read_UPF_xml(filename, index=- 1)#

Parse pseudo core states from UPF xml; UPF version=”2.0.1”

string: UPF file for a specific atom; e.g: Ni.pbe-n-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF

string: file containing core states needed for XAS spectra

esta.qeBag.rate_const_adv module#

rate constant calculations

for A* —> B* kind of surface reaction or similar reaction

rate constant ~ r = A * exp ( -Ea/kbT )


A = ( kb * T/ h ) * (q_vib_TS / q_vib_A*) q = vib partition function = product_i (1/(1-expt(-h*nu_i / kbT)) )

esta.qeBag.rate_const_adv.get_rate_constant(q_part_is, q_part_ts, energy_barrier, temp)#

get the rate constant of elementray steps

q_part_is: scalar, partition function for the initial state q_part_ts: scalar, partition function for the transition state energy_barrier: scalar, activation energy barrier going from initial to transition state in eV units temp: scalar, tempature of the reaction in K units

rate_const: scalar, rate constant in s^(-1)

esta.qeBag.rate_const_adv.q_partition(vib_energies_data, temp)#

calculate the partition function based on given vib energies and temp

vib_energies: array of length 3*natoms temp: scalar , temperature in K

q_partition: scalar, parition function

esta.qeBag.rate_const_adv.read_freq_data(filename, freq_dft)#

read freq data from file generated using qe phonon finite diff caclulations

filename: string, name of the file containing freq data freq_dft: logical, whether dft calculated freq or expt or else..

vib_energies: array, filtered vib freq data (below 50 cm-1 freqs

are changed to 50 cm-1 by default)

esta.qeBag.read_dynmat_adv module#

esta.qeBag.read_dynmat_adv.read_dynamical_matrix_q0(filename, natm_type, posfile=None)#

read dyanmatrix at q=(0 0 0) point to find the force constant between atoms as well as corresponding distance between atoms

filename: string

name of the dynamical martrix file

natm_type: list

for no. of atoms of each types; e.g. [4, 4, 14] for 3type of atoms

posfile: str

name of the poscar file, optional

NOTE: lattice is cubic see .f90 file in qe code:

e.g see: SUBROUTINE write_old_dyn_mat_head(iudyn) in io_dyn_mat_old.f90

or other .f90 files ….

esta.qeBag.read_write module#

class esta.qeBag.read_write.RWpwi(infile, outfile=None)#

Bases: object

class to read the pw input file and create poscar file


generate poscar file after reading the pw input file


get same string elements of list grouped together


get number of list entries of each type


list of integers for each type of atoms specifying their


write cell_parameters and atomic postions, atom labels etc in poscar file


get unique elements of list


string for each type of atoms

class esta.qeBag.read_write.RWpwo(infile, outfile=None)#

Bases: object

Class to read and write data file for the atomic structures

  • read cell parmeters and/or atomic positions

  • write this data in xyz, poscar, and qe-str format


find atom positions with labels …


cell vectors in angstrom or bohr

what is does:

for ‘rlx’ calculations:

“lattice parameter (alat)” “crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)”

for ‘vc-relax’ calculations:

search: ‘CELL_PARAMETERS (angstrom)’


using mendeleev for it : big database of elemental properties

In [22]: from mendeleev import element In [21]: for i in [5,6,7,8]: …: element(i) …: print (element(i).symbol) …: B C N O


get the band energies at k point by reading the scf calculation out file

NOTE: Need verbosity =’high’ in the scf input file to print the band energies


get same string elements of list grouped together


get number of list entries of each type


list of integers for each type of atoms specifying their number


write cell_parameters and atomic postions, atom labels etc in poscar file


get unique elements of list


string for each type of atoms

get xyz file by reading the atomic positions and atomic labels: use method
  • get_atm_positions(infile)


write data in xyz file specified by name outfile

Return type


IMPORTANT: ordeing same elements together: not done yet .. to be done..
get xyz file by reading the atomic positions and atomic labels: use method
  • get_atm_positions(infile)


write data in xyz file specified by name outfile

Return type


NOTE: similar atoms are grouped together

classmethod vector_prod(a, b)#

esta.qeBag.read_write0 module#

class esta.qeBag.read_write0.RWpwi(infile, outfile=None)#

Bases: object

class to read the pw input file and create poscar file


generate poscar file after reading the pw input file


get same string elements of list grouped together


get number of list entries of each type


list of integers for each type of atoms specifying their


write cell_parameters and atomic postions, atom labels etc in poscar file


get unique elements of list


string for each type of atoms

class esta.qeBag.read_write0.RWpwo(infile, outfile=None)#

Bases: object

Class to read and write data file for the atomic structures

  • read cell parmeters and/or atomic positions

  • write this data in xyz, poscar, and qe-str format


find atom positions with labels …


cell vectors in angstrom or bohr

what is does:

“lattice parameter (alat)” “crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of alat)”


using mendeleev for it : big database of elemental properties

In [22]: from mendeleev import element In [21]: for i in [5,6,7,8]: …: element(i) …: print (element(i).symbol) …: B C N O


get the band energies at k point by reading the scf calculation out file

NOTE: Need verbosity =’high’ in the scf input file to print the band energies


get same string elements of list grouped together


get number of list entries of each type


list of integers for each type of atoms specifying their number


write cell_parameters and atomic postions, atom labels etc in poscar file


get unique elements of list


string for each type of atoms

get xyz file by reading the atomic positions and atomic labels: use method
  • get_atm_positions(infile)


write data in xyz file specified by name outfile

Return type


IMPORTANT: ordeing same elements together: not done yet .. to be done..
get xyz file by reading the atomic positions and atomic labels: use method
  • get_atm_positions(infile)


write data in xyz file specified by name outfile

Return type


NOTE: similar atoms are grouped together

classmethod vector_prod(a, b)#

esta.qeBag.sum_pdos_atom module#


I have s,p (also d, but not at the moment) PDOS calculated for several atoms. I want to have a sum for all atoms. Separately s and p.

for s we have

Energy, LDOS, PDOS columns

for p we have


find sum for all atoms (= Energy, Sum of LDOS, Sum of Pz-PDOS,

Sum of Px-PDOS, Sum of Py-PDOS).

**NOTE: in a single directory keep on one type of states of atoms (may be same or different

atoms); e.g. s, p, or d only for B atoms !!***

author: skumar date: 18, Feb, 2021

tested by Andrey Lyalin on Feb, 2021

esta.qeBag.xbands_kpts_band_gap module#


finding: -nbands, band-energies -nkpts, kpt-coordinate -band gap for spin up channel -band gap for spin down channel -band gap between valence band(of spin up/down) and cond. band (spin up/down) for unpolarised/polarised qe scf.out file

NOTE: use verbosity = ‘high’ to print the band energies


name of scf.out file with verbosity high to be used in qe pw.x calculation

esta.qeBag.xml_qe module#


write poscar file from xml file of qe

string: infile (data-file-schema.xml)

poscar file

esta.qeBag.xml_qe.read_qe_xml(filename, index=- 1)#

Parse data-file-schema.xml or another *xml file of qe version 6.4.1/6.2

string: ‘data-file-schema.xml’ or input xml file containing crystal str and electronic

str. information of calculations carrired out by qe code

array: unit cell in bohr, array: atomic positions in bohr, character: atomic symbols array: forces .. … many other parameters present in the xml file ..

# with scipy version 1.1.0 #bohr radius= 5.2917721067e-11 m ; less accurate #fac = cf.bohr2ang =0.529177210669 –< – less accuaret and # as a result atoms pos and cell param are wrong after 6 dec # places #In scipy version 1.4.1 #bohr radiun = 5.29177210903e-11 m; is same as given # in nist data ; #Numerical value 5.291 772 109 03 x 10-11 m #fac = 0.529177210903 # does not work #fac = np.array( 0.529177210903 , dtype=np.float128)

#qe 6.2 and .6.4.1 uses # REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: & # BOHR_RADIUS_SI = 0.52917720859E-10_DP ! m

author: ‘skumar’ email: ‘

esta.qeBag.zpe module#

calculation of zero point energy in eV


get vibration freq from qe phonon output file in cm-1


str, ph output file


tuple of array and string, vibration freqs in cm-1 #and eV

Module contents#